Driving Directions From Golfito to Pavones

Driving Directions From Golfito to Pavones

Print Driving Directions from Golfito to Pavones

If you are looking to flying into Golfito from San Jose then you need driving directions from Golfito to Pavones.  The drive will take approximately 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours.  If you need some rental car referrals, contact us to get the best car rental options and deals for your trip.  We recommend getting a 4×4 when traveling to Pavones but a 4×4 is not necessary in the dry season (December to April).

  • Take a right (Please not that this is a one way street) once you exit the Golfito Airport.  Follow this street around The Duty Free Shopping Centre (Deposito Libre Comercial de Golfito) and head South to the town of Golfito.  You will pass a Bank called “Banco Nacional” on the left, they have an ATM machine in front of the building.  Shortly after on the right hand side you will see the gas station.
  • **Please note that there are no gas stations, ATM’s or banks in Pavones.  We recommend that you fill your gas tank full and have enough cash for your trip.
  • Continue driving through the town of Golfito and follow the road (Highway 14) towards Rio Claro.
  • Approximately 7 kilometer out of Golfito you will see the Salon El Rodeo (Rodeo Bar) on the right hand side.  Take this right.  If you reach Rio Claro you’ve missed the turn off to Pavones.

    Driving Directions from Golfito to Pavones
    Bridge over the Coto River
  • The road from here to Pavones is unpaved. About half an hour into the unpaved road you will go over a one lane bridge over the Coto River.  A few kilometers after the bridge you will approach a town called Pueblo Nuevo, take a left around the soccer field then take a right after the soccer field (there is a Pavones sign here).
  • Travel approximately another half an hour into it you will approach a three way intersection in Conte, take a right and follow the signs to Pavones.
  • There is a “Y” in the road just past Conte and veer left (if you veer right it will take you to Zancudo) you have about 25 minutes to go.
  • Follow the signs to Pavones.
  • Welcome to Pavones!

Check out our town directory and things to do in Pavones before you head down.  Contact us to book your Pavones Vacation Rental.