Driving Directions from Paso Canoas to Pavones
Print Driving Directions from Paso Canoas to Pavones
You will most likely be coming from San Jose or the Jaco/Domincal areas if you are looking to take the alternative route to Pavones. The following driving directions from Paso Canos to Pavones will take approximately 1.5 hours. The other route is mentioned in my Driving Directions from San Jose to Pavones if you would like to compare the two. If you need some rental car referrals, contact us to get the best car rental options and deals for your trip. We recommend getting a 4×4 when traveling to Pavones but a 4×4 is not necessary in the dry season (December to April).
- When traveling down Highway 2, you will approach a town called Rio Claro, continue straight towards Ciudad Neily and Paso Canoas.
- Highway 2 will end at the busy intersection of the Costa Rica/Panama border crossing. This is Paso Canoas. Take a right at this intersection. Please click the following link to learn more information about Paso Canoas (Costa Rica/Panama border).
- On your way out of Paso Canoas about 2-3 kilometers are two gas stations, make sure you fill up your tank before continuing on as there are no gas stations in Pavones.
- Continue on to a town called La Cuesta. Here you will go through a one block park, take a left at the end of the block (in front of the police station), then take the next right. This is still the main road.
- Drive another 10 minutes and you will approach a town called Laurel. At the intersection take a right (right after a supermarket called Mega Super). If you take a left at this intersection, there is a bank called Banco Nacional and they have an ATM machine outside if you need to pull out cash.
- After about 15 minutes you will approach a huge landmark which is a palm processing plant.
- Drive another 30 minutes or so and you will approach a town and intersection called Conte. Take a left here and follow the signs to Pavones.
- 5 minutes after you leave conte there is a “Y” in the road just past Conte and veer left (if you veer right it will take you to Zancudo) you have about 25 minutes to go.
- Follow the sings to Pavones.